Thursday, December 15, 2011


I don't know that this post will have any significant purpose, but I feel the need to ramble on about things.

#1.  My daughter turned 15 months yesterday!  No, she is not walking, but we are so close.  She has started throwing temper-tantrums and we have started ignoring about battles.

#2.  Good friends just moved to Italy!  Adam is in the Army and has been stationed there for I believe 3 years...we hope to visit before they get a new assignment.

#3.  Vehicles.  We are STILL using only 1 vehicle.  This has been ok because the weather is holding out.  HOPEFULLY we will be getting a truck at the beginning of the year from our neighbor who is ready for a new one.

#4.  Breastfeeding.  Yes I am STILL breastfeeding and see no end approaching!  She has reduced the number of nursings....but we continue.

#5.  Co-sleeping.  Yes we co-sleep.  I also don't see an end to this!  LO slept in her crib 4 nights in a row for 2-3 hours each night...then woke up to nurse and came to bed.  It was SO hard to sleep without her the first 2 nights...I was up most of the night just staring at her = irritating my hubby...oh well, what's a mother to do?

#6.  Pumping.... :(  Yes I still pump.  I am down to 3 times a day!  From 6...3 is wonderful.  I pump in the car to and from work and at lunch.  It's not bad....just annoying. 

#7.  Milk.  I pump 6-8 ounces a day.  I send 8 ounces to school...everyday.  What I don't pump the night before, I supplement with Rice Milk.  LO enjoys her rice milk, but I am not ready to completely switch over....too much good stuff in the breastmilk.  The freezer stash is dwindling...I pump less on Thursday and Fridays so on Monday, I thaw out a bag to get us started for the week.  I will probably be out of frozen milk by Valentine's day.  My plan at that point is to give her what I pumped and supplement with the rice milk until that is all she has.  I don't plan on introducing cow milk until she is at least 2...maybe 3.

#8.  12/15.  Today is my moms birthday!  She is 54.  It's a good day.  Today is also my boss' mom's birthday.  She has been dead for 15 this is a hard day.  Today is also my friend's grandmother's is a really hard day.  Today is also my friend's mom's mom's visitation...just unimaginable.  I just don't know how to feel today.  A mixture of emotions for me, but I can't imagine being at the other end....

#9.  Tomorrow.  Tomorrow is my friend and her mom (also my friend)'s grandmother/mother's sad.  Tomorrow is also the day that my hubby, daughter and I leave for Nebraska family Christmas!'s fun and exciting.  Another day of mixed emotions.

#10.  #s 8 & 9.  Because it is my mom's birthday and the day we are leaving to go out of town, I will not be able to be with my friends during this time.  I know they will be ok and I will be thinking of them.

Moving on...Christmas is coming!

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